John Allday
(Keyboards, Vocals)
Mike Murphy
(Bass, Vocals)
Michael Trew
(Lead Vocals, Flute)
Dave Webb
Kelly Mynes

shot by Peter Hanson
Moon Letters is a psych/prog rock band, formed in Seattle, USA in 2016. Their debut album, Until They Feel the Sun, with renowned producer Barrett Jones (Foo Fighters), garnered positive reviews internationally. The album was released at the Seaprog festival in 2019 and immediately placed Moon Letters in the vanguard of the new wave of American progressive rock.
Their second album, Thank You From the Future, produced in Seattle by Robert Cheek (Band of Horses), was released in late 2022 and has been embraced by prog fans and reviewers. 2023-24 found the band touring North America, including: Terra Incognita Fest in Quebec City, ProgDay Fest in North Carolina, and Prog on the the Ranch in Florida.
This spring will see the release of their 3rd album (again with producer Robert Cheek), while they embark on further tours of North America and Europe.
Members of Moon Letters can also be heard in these past & future projects:
Dave Webb (Wah Wah Exit Wound, Spacebag, Everything Oscillating).
Kelly Mynes (Panther Attack!, Bone Cave Ballet),
Mike Murphy (Authentic Luxury, Everything Oscillating),
John Allday (Chaos and the Cosmos), Michael Trew (The Autumn Electric).